30-Day Mentoring Program with Bob Baker

Do you need my advice on a deeper level? I’m ready to help you!

I’ll hold your hand and guide you on the topic of your choice (YouTube, book publishing, music marketing, creative entrepreneurship, mindset, social media, career change, affirmations, etc).

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • An initial one-hour session with me over Zoom to help you gain clarity on your current project or challenge.
  • A 30-minute follow-up session near the end of the 30 days.
  • Video and audio recordings of both Zoom sessions you can refer back to.
  • Written summaries of both sessions with suggested action steps.
  • Email and text access to me throughout the 30 days (ask questions that come up along the way)
  • Free access to select courses, ebooks, and programs I feel would help you.
  • Optional two-month access to our High-Vibe Tribe online community at no extra cost.

After your purchase, you’ll be given ways to contact me to schedule your first session.

Fee: A single payment of $495 USD.

What People Are Saying:

Bob mentored me through his books and affirmations for years before we met. When I became stumped on a direction for my business, I immediately thought of him for coaching. It was the best time and money I've spent all year! Different income stream possibilities are surfacing now. Thank you again for the session that helped me push through the haze of confusion!

-Laura, Florida

I’ve been a fan of your affirmations for a long time. So it was the most exciting moment when we talked for the first time on a call. You are so humble and gentle. Through your mentorship, you inspire me all the time to achieve my goals and stay happy. I have a whole new outlook because of you. Thanks for the profound impact you’ve had on my life!

-Shweta Maval, actress, model, and celebrity host, Mumbai, India

$495.00 USD